Sunday, September 27, 2020

Guess Who is Behind the Door A Counting Book in 4 Languages written and illustrated by Susan Novich Schiffer Publishing, coming fall 2020


Guess Who is Behind the Door A Counting Book in 4 Languages is a delightful way for preschoolers to learn their colors and numbers, and in a rhyming pattern.  What separates this book from the typical colors and numbers book category, is that it includes counting in four different languages.  In addition to the Romance languages, Novich includes Chinese.  It is refreshing to see eastern culture included in this valuable resource. 

As a Visual Art educator, this book is not only valuable for young readers but for students who are learning other languages.  Our English Language Learners would enjoy such a boldly colored book.  The whimsical approach to presenting this material is entertaining and is an important introduction to our current culture of learning more about inclusion and diversity.   Artistically, the illustrations are excellent examples of color theory, texture, movement, and depth.  I thoroughly enjoyed the cut-paper illustration.  The porcupine brings us on an adventure to learn nouns and verbs, as well. I think my favorite illustration is the ten porcupines asleep in a bed with the middle porcupine sprawled on the floor like any household pet or even your wiped-out child!  This book is destined to be a classic for early learners and as a staple in an art classroom.